This is so weirdly relatable. I have zero friendships like this now I’m a proper grown up but I do have friends I’ve had since I was a child that witnessed those friendships. We laugh about them now. It’s nice.

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I completely relate to this piece! I'm in my forties now, but in my twenties, all I wanted was a friendship like the ones I read about or saw in movies. But you're totally right - they're not sustainable. The friendships I have now aren't as intense, but I know they'll last for a very long time, and I'd much rather have it that way!

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Here’s to the gentle friendships we’ve found that last!!

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This is such a beautifully-written and relatable piece. When I was 19 I was very vulnerable mentally and had one of those all-encompassing friendships - it was the most toxic friendship I've ever had and lasted less than six months. I'm in my mid-twenties too and my two closest friends live miles away from me, one in London and one in Australia. It's our effort and love for one another that keeps it going rather than the proximity!

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❤️❤️❤️ those friendships can be so ruinous!! I’m glad you have friendships that make you feel good now

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still chasing that intense soul friendship, but feeling very grateful for the longer, more gentle relationships i’ve developed recently. and rereading the raven cycle bc of this!!

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Oooohh i just reread the first book when back home recently!! Do enjoy❤️

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deletedJun 23Liked by Grace
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Thank you!!! And love that you’re a Raven Cycle fan too!!!

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