this is such a good reminder!! I always think that the artist must have arranged these songs in a certain order on purpose and it would be simply rude of me to listen in some other jumbled up way😅 like you said you wouldn't read book chapters out of order! great piece🩷

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They deffo do!! Or at least a lot do!!

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So true!!

Physical music feels so special!!

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There really is something about holding the music!!

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I completely agree!! Albums are so overlooked, especially in a world where people's attention spans are only getting shorter and so many up-and-coming artists will prioritise having a 7 second snippet of a song go viral on TikTok over creating an excellent album that's an immersive listening experience. "1989" was the first CD I owned, and I played it obsessively in the car, and now that album is so nostalgic for me. There are so many albums that are special and important to me and carry so many memories; it's the reason why I still collect CDs and vinyls. This was a great read!! :) :)

(also, I love that you shouted out Ashe, she's such an underrated artist)

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Love that we both have 1989 car memories ❤️

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Mika's Life in Cartoon Motion was my first album, and still one of my all-time favourites

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i love this piece! every time i listen to a an album for the first time, i listen all the way through then hit shuffle for round 2; the artist is most likely trying to tell a story with the track order so i feel like we almost HAVE to listen to it that way :)

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I have been thinking about this recently! I was reminiscing about the old days when I'd do exactly this. Some of my faves to listen to all the way through are Tool's "Lateralus" and The Streets' "A Grand Don't Come for Free." The latter is definitely a story in itself and best listened to from start to finish to grasp it all. In fact I am not sure it could be sensically listened to any other way if one is paying attention to the lyrics. I recently played it in its entirety for the first time in ages while cleaning out the garage and it was just as fantastic as I remembered it.

One of my favorite memories was having a friend over when a new Radiohead album came out (can't remember which one anymore), sometime around 2005 or around there. We sat down on my bedroom floor, poured some wine, and just quietly listened to the entire thing. It was a great experience.

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I LOVE the idea of having someone over and sitting to listen to an album!! I’ll have to check out your The Streets rec too

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Ooh I love this Grace! When I listen to a new album (even if it's new to me) I'll always listen to it the whole way through, in order, a handful of times. It feels weird not to!

I still haven't listened to Sabrina Carpenter's album but I'm definitely going to after reading this. Some of my no-skip albums are While We Wait and It Was Good Until It Wasn't, both by Kehlani, By The Way by Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Journals by Justin Bieber!

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I’ll have to check them out!! I deffo remember Journals from Justin Bieber — you’ve just triggered a memory that we used to play Purpose a lot at school!!

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Omg what a throwback! Purpose came out on my 16th birthday and I felt like it was a gift straight from him 😂

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