I feel so similar Grace. As you say, it seems so many of us are exhausted at the moment and feel like we need to switch our brains off. I also deleted TikTok lately and I'm making a conscious effort not to turn to the apps when I need some down time. I've found cooking and baking to be so therapeutic as well as reading and exercise. Thank you for sharing!

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Cooking really is like therapy but you get to eat at the end!!!

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Ohhh yes 🤩

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Jul 9Liked by Grace

I miss cooking mama on my ds. I truly believe THAT would turn this ole brain off.

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omg absolutely!! if you do any gaming try Overcooked!! It’s different but similiar vibes

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Yes, exercise! I sometimes do silly dance workouts on YouTube. My favourite is this one right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3-WoVKetqA (can't believing I am admitting publicly on the internet that I dance around my living room in the mornings). It shuts my brain off like nothing else. Truly.

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You should absolutely be owning this fact!! I often dance (un choreographed) around my kitchen to whatever is playing and it is FUN

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You are so right!! We should embrace anything that brings us joy!

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May 28Liked by Grace

Also, the Florence game looks beautiful, I’ll be checking that out!

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absolutely rec florence!! and baking — cookies and muffins/cupcakes are such a good start point for getting into baking i’ve found

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May 28Liked by Grace

A long walk and reading are things I do when it all feels too much. I really want to try baking too.

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May 27·edited May 28Liked by Grace

I find it so interesting that the "switching off" impulse is often an "I need overstimulation" impulse?

for me that's definitely where TikTok/IG comes in, but I also scratch the itch by playing Tetris or similar next to watching a fast-paced sitcom - also not an activity that makes me feel super great afterwards 😅

lately, doing Lego for grown-ups (the flowers!) while listening to an audio book has helped - but always grateful for more screen-off/ brain-off suggestions ♥

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lego for grown ups!! i love those flower legos

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I totally feel this! I never downloaded Tiktok, but IG reels would be my go-to whenever I felt too tired/stressed/etc to do anything else. But it only ever made me feel worse, so I've been trying to just keep my phone far away from me and find literally anything else to do to occupy my downtime. Exercise, cooking/baking, and reading are definitely all on my list! I love doing puzzles too - I can very easily spend hours working on a puzzle and it's so meditative. Same with crosswords!

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Ooohh!! I have never really gotten into puzzles but i deffo get the appeal

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I've read/heard somewhere that serotonin/dopamine produced with exercise don't actually make us feel better mentally. Blood and brains don't cross, so that post-workout feeling is all smugness. I don't know if it's true but I find it a bit funny and that's the world I choose to live in ;)

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my understanding is exercise releases endorphins and it’s more a nervous system reaction!! either way if it makes us feel good that’s a win!!

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Ahhh that's probably it. It makes more sense.

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deletedJul 31Liked by Grace
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doom scrolling cant help anyone!!

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